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5 Helpful Voices on Infant Sleep to Follow on IG
5 Helpful Voices on Infant Sleep to Follow on IG
Written by Emily Greenberg
Updated over 4 months ago

When you’re in the thick of a tough sleep spell, it can help to surround yourself with uplifting and validating voices who just get it. Sometimes, this looks like reaching for expert wisdom to understand, “are my expectations on sleep developmentally appropriate?”

Here’s a roundup of sleep educators on social media working to build community around all things baby and toddler sleep:

  1. Cara Dumaplin @takingcarababies

  2. Chrissy Lawler @the.peaceful.sleeper

  3. M. Andrea de la Torre @babysleep.answers

  4. Dr. Aubrie DeBear @babysleepdr

Be sure to periodically check your feed as a parent in today’s digital era, and stick to the accounts that make you feel good – not stressed. Knowledge is a great thing to reach for, but it’s normal to struggle with information overload, too. Filtering and curating can help prevent a sense of being overwhelmed from taking over.

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