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Do’s and Don'ts: How to store and prep breast milk or formula
Do’s and Don'ts: How to store and prep breast milk or formula
Written by Emily Greenberg
Updated over 4 months ago

Breast milk prep & storage



Thaw frozen breast milk by placing it in the fridge (use the oldest date first).

Heat breast milk in the microwave or on the stove.

Heat breast milk by running warm water over it.

Store in disposable bottle liners or plastic bags.

Store in a BPA-free food-grade glass or hard plastic container.

Store in general plastic bags designed for household use.

Store in space-saving bags specifically designed for breast milk storage.

Fill breast milk to the top. Breast milk will expand when it freezes.

Store the number of ounces your baby will need per feeding per container.

Forget to label.

Use waterproof labels to mark the date.

Leave out breast milk for more than 4-6 hours at room temperature.

Store expressed milk in the back of the fridge or freezer where it’s coldest.

Add freshly expressed milk to previously chilled or frozen milk. You can add it to a container with a comparable temperature to the serving you are combining after it has been chilled or frozen.

Heat breast milk in the microwave or stove.

How long can breast milk be stored?

  • In your fridge:Up to 4 days

  • In your freezer:Up to 12 months

  • Insulated cooler:Up to 24 hours

Formula prep & storage



Wash your hands before preparing a bottle.

Store leftover formula from a feeding session. Exposure to your baby’s saliva can trigger bacteria growth.

Always measure the water first and add the powder second if using a powder formula.

Use a microwave to heat a bottle.

Run a bottle under warm water to serve it warm.

Store formula in vehicles, garages, or anywhere outdoors. It should always be in a cool, dry, indoor place.

Use infant formula within 2 hours of preparing and within one hour from when feeding begins.

Use formula after its“use by” date.

If your baby is under 2 months old, premature, or has a weakened immune system: Boil the water and wait 5 minutes before mixing with powdered formula.

How long can prepared formula be stored?

  • In your fridge:prepped bottles must be used within 24 hours.

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