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Yes, You Can Play with Your Newborn!
Yes, You Can Play with Your Newborn!
Written by Emily Greenberg
Updated over 4 months ago

Playing with your newborn helps them to develop their senses, motor skills, and cognitive abilities. It also helps to strengthen your bond with them. You don’t need to buy lots of toys at all. Your newborn is just as interested in you as they are in toys and other items.

Here are a few ideas for playing with your newborn:

  • Make eye contact.This is a great way to start any play session. Gaze into your baby's eyes and talk to them soothingly.

  • Sing to them.Babies love the sound of their parent's voices. Sing them your favorite songs or make up silly songs of your own.

  • Wiggle their toes.Gently wiggle your baby's toes and fingers. This will help them to learn about their bodies and their senses of touch and movement.

  • Show them different textures.Let your baby touch different textures, such as smooth, rough, soft, and hard. You can use different fabrics, toys, or even your skin.

  • Play peek-a-boo.This is a classic game that babies love. Cover your face with your hands and then uncover it, saying, "Peek-a-boo!"

  • Take them for walks.Fresh air and sunshine are good for babies of all ages. Take your baby for a walk around the block or in your backyard.

  • Read to them.Babies may not understand your words, but they will enjoy the sound of your voice and the pictures in the book.

Keep in mind, newborns have short attention spans and can grow overstimulated easily, so be responsive to early signs of fussiness or fatigue. Engaging playfully with your newborn does not have to be loud or flashy, and in fact, is best thought of as simple and slow.

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