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Should you rotate and change your baby's visual mobile?
Should you rotate and change your baby's visual mobile?
Written by Emily Greenberg
Updated over 4 months ago

While no hard rule says you should rotate your baby's first mobile by a certain age, it can be helpful to consider infant mobiles as much more than decor.

To your baby, visual mobiles are one of the first purposeful activities they can engage with. Like other toys and activities, it can be valuable to periodically switch it up to offer your baby new patterns, shapes, and colors to focus on.

Since your baby's vision is not fully developed at birth, consider rotating mobiles to match what they can see.

*Note: If you don't want to buy a series of mobiles, you can easily engage your baby's developing vision by simply taking them on "house tours" and inviting them to look at various household decor and items.

For the first month:

It's best to offer mobiles that are high-contrast, black and white. Stick to simple shapes instead of busy patterns that would be too complex for these early weeks. Here’s a beautiful handmade one from Etsy.

For month two:

Try introducing primary colors; this is when many babies begin seeing in color. Bright colors will be most attractive and easier for them to see. This simple mobile covers red, yellow, and blue.

For month three:

Go ahead and graduate from primary colors, and introduce your little one to the beautiful gradation of shades and more complex patterns and shapes. Try the classic Montessori Gobbi mobile in shades of red!

By month four:

Notice your baby may now be intentionally working on hand-eye coordination, batting, and grasping toys. This would be a fun time to switch to tactile mobiles or ones that safely invite the skill of grasping and touch.

Here's a set of four tactile mobiles on Etsy by Bambino that we love!

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