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Postpartum hair loss can kick in by month 2. Here's what to expect
Postpartum hair loss can kick in by month 2. Here's what to expect
Written by Emily Greenberg
Updated over 4 months ago

If you’re losing clumps of hair in the shower these days, rest assured it’s a common postpartum symptom. Postpartum hair loss typically begins around months two and three and can last until baby’s first birthday.

Like other postpartum symptoms, this, too, can be blamed on your fluctuating hormones. There’s no silver bullet to fix or prevent it since it’s a natural process. Be wary of supplements that promise otherwise, especially if you’re breastfeeding.

The silver lining? It’s technically not a loss of hair – it’s shedding. Your hair will regrow, but it commonly grows back thinner. To support regrowth, be gentle with your strands.

  • Limit use of heated styling products like curling irons or blow dryers

  • Avoid restrictive styles that pull on the hair, like tight ponytails

  • Brush your hair gently with a wide-toothed comb

  • Avoid intensive conditioners that weigh the hair down. Instead, aim for volumizing shampoo and a light conditioner designed for fine hair.

P.S., be on the lookout for a “hair tourniquet.” While extremely rare, it’s important to check your baby’s fingers, toes, and body parts for something called a “hair tourniquet,” which is when a loose piece of hair gets tangled on baby. When this happens, it can wrap so tightly that it cuts off circulation or leads to infection. If you see one forming, gently unwind it or cut it off safely as soon as possible. If it’s too entangled, seek immediate medical attention.

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