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What is "mom brain?" and does it ever get better?
What is "mom brain?" and does it ever get better?
Written by Emily Greenberg
Updated over 4 months ago

"Mom brain" is a colloquial term that describes the lapses in memory, attention, and focus that many postpartum mothers experience. Many describe it as brain fog and notice it when trying to converse, keep track of appointments, or simply remember why they walked into another room.

You could experience it as early as pregnancy, but many moms find it more noticeable postpartum.

Turns out, “mom brain” is a real thing – and not necessarily bad

Studies have found a “reduction in grey matter” among postpartum mothers in regions where memory would be impacted. Still, findings also point to brain changes that improve empathy and emotional responsiveness. So, it’s thought that mom brain is purposeful – rewiring us to better tune into our babies. In order to tune in to our babies, our brains need to tune out some of the other stuff.

Does it get better?

Studies find that postpartum brain changes are long-lasting, if not permanent. But, many women report feeling much more like themselves and less forgetful once they graduate from the haze of the early postpartum months.

In the meantime, if you feel like you’re dragging to respond to the routine tasks of adult life, give yourself some grace. It’s about increasing your capacity to care for your new baby – this is important, valuable work.

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