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Is it normal to feel jealous of my partner's relationship with our baby?
Is it normal to feel jealous of my partner's relationship with our baby?
Written by Emily Greenberg
Updated over 4 months ago

Jealousy is a common postpartum emotion both moms and dads can experience towards each other. Many assume that fathers are more prone to experiencing this due to the biological connection mothers share with babies, but this doesn’t stack up in research.

Between hormonal changes, sleepless nights, and fragmented communication, jealousy can brew when one partner struggles to adapt and the other seems to be transitioning seamlessly. It also commonly arises when one partner feels disconnected from the caregiving process and begins to envy how much time the other partner has to bond with the baby.

It’s a complex emotion to navigate, but once you’ve identified it, experts advise you to:

  1. Self reflect. What fears and anxieties may be at the root of your feelings?

  2. Connect, even if it’s just for 10 minutes a day.

  3. Lead with gratitude, and avoid keeping tabs. This fosters a sense of collaboration rather than competition, which is key.

If these feelings persist or become overwhelming, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor specializing in postpartum issues and relationships. Seeking help shows strength and commitment to your family's well-being.

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