Breastmilk popsicles are a brilliant mom hack. Before your baby has started solid foods, these are used to alleviate teething pain. The idea is that you freeze your breastmilk in a popsicle mold, allowing a frozen alternative to their favorite food that doubles as a teether.
As your baby gnaws on the breastmilk popsicle, the cold can alleviate inflammation in the gums related to teething discomfort.
How to make it:
Only use fresh or refrigerated breast milk. Breast milk that has already been thawed should not be used as it is not recommended to refreeze milk.
Source a popsicle mold tray that will form small, easy-to-grab popsicles for tiny hands.
Cover with plastic or a lid and let freeze for several hours.
Beyond teething relief, breastmilk popsicles can be a creative way to cool off on summer days and keep young babies hydrated.