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Understanding your baby's sleep regression at three months
Understanding your baby's sleep regression at three months
Written by Emily Greenberg
Updated over 4 months ago

While many families notice a sleep regression at 4 months, it’s not uncommon to experience it as early as 3 months. Here’s a brief overview of sleep regressions and what you can expect during this phase.

What is a sleep regression?

It’s a positive sign of a growing body and brain! As your baby's brain matures, their sleep cycles change, and they may wake up more frequently. Some families prefer to reframe “sleep regression” to “sleep progression” for this reason.

How many sleep regressions/progressions are there?

Sleep educators cite five major windows when families experience worsening sleep related to developmental leaps. While all babies will universally go through developmental leaps, not all struggle with worsened sleep at each progression.

  • 3-4 months

  • 8-10 months

  • 12-15 months

  • 18 months

  • 24 months

*The first sleep regression at 3-4 months is distinct. It’s the only one that is considered a permanent change. It’s the first time your baby will start to wake fully between sleep cycles.

What are the signs of sleep regressions?

The telltale sign is worsened sleep. Babies may wake more frequently and have difficulty falling asleep. Generally, the sleep struggle typically lasts 1-2 weeks.

How to get through it:

To help navigate this phase, stay true to a consistent bedtime routine, ensure a comfortable sleep environment, and be patient. This, too, shall pass, and your baby will eventually settle into a more predictable sleep pattern as they continue to grow and develop. Connecting with your baby’s development can help ensure they get plenty of play time practicing the new skills that keep them up at night.

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