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The myth of socialization: why your baby doesn’t need structured activities
The myth of socialization: why your baby doesn’t need structured activities
Written by Emily Greenberg
Updated over 4 months ago

Outings and social meetups can be fantastic for personal self-care, but if you’re adding social outings to your schedule only because you feel pressure to socialize your baby, rest assured—your baby doesn’t need to “be socialized.”

The myth of early socialization

Babies are not yet at a developmental stage where they can meaningfully socialize or form friendships with other infants. While they may display interest in others, their primary focus is on the familiar faces of their caregivers and immediate surroundings. This “selfish” period is purposeful because babies need time to build themselves up before connecting with others.

Bonding with caregivers is foundational in the first three years

Babies and toddlers need time to bond with their primary caregivers and establish secure attachments that lay the groundwork for future relationships. Your baby’s social and emotional development is getting all the TLC it needs by being with you!

What about childcare? When in a developmentally-appropriate environment, your baby’s childcare providers can become a beautiful part of their village. Both you, your partner, and your childcare providers become hugely influential in helping your baby establish those early secure attachments. However, there is no need to rush childcare enrollment purely for socialization. You are enough, and any other close caregivers become a bonus.

Playing with others will come later

Cooperative social interactions become more relevant as children approach preschool and kindergarten years. However, children also gain social skills when interactions unfold naturally and in a wide variety of settings, even moments as simple as going to the grocery store.

For now, build your baby’s confidence by responding to their needs as an individual, and keep the social interactions pressure-free and fulfilling for you!

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